Frequently asked Questions


If you require a GP/Nurse appointment please phone the practice at 8am as normal. The admin team will ask you questions regarding your symptoms and add your details to our triage system.  You will receive a call back from a clinician who will assess your symptoms by telephone.  If necessary they will arrange for you to attend the practice at an agreed time.  Please wear a face covering and keep a safe 2m distance when attending the practice. 

There will be no advance appointments available at this time.

If you are housebound and require a house call,  please phone the Practice as early as possible in the morning and our admin team will add you to our triage system for an initial call back.

Our minor surgery and joint injection clinics are temporarily suspended.

Prescription Requests

If you require to order a prescription:

  • If you have registered for our online patient service please login at: Patient Services and order in the normal manner
  • If you normally order through your local pharmacy please continue to do so.Please sign up to your local pharmacy and they can order for you
  • If you normally attend the practice please post your request slip in our designated repeat prescription box located at the main entrance
  • Ideally please phone the practice to register for our online patient service
  • Please allow sufficient time for your prescription to be safely processed and signed

We are not able to process same day prescription requests.

Prescription Collection

  • If your prescription normally goes direct to your local pharmacy this will continue as normal.
  • If you normally collect your prescription from the practice this facility will no longer be available. Please phone the practice and we will arrange for your prescription to go to your local pharmacy – please allow sufficient time for this to be sent to the pharmacy.

We will only accept samples requested by a clinician. All other samples will be discarded. 

If you have been asked by a clinician to hand in a sample please complete the sample request form and post in our designated sample box located at the main entrance.

Fit Note and Letters

Fit Notes for ongoing medical conditions will be processed in the normal manner. 

New Registration

If you are new to the area and would like to register as a new patient please attend the practice to collect our registration forms. You must stay within our practice boundary.  Please return completed forms to the practice, if possible please bring 2 forms of ID, one photographic & one with proof of your address.

You can also submit these forms online.

If you require an appointment please follow the appointment process above.

Temporary Registration

If you require to register as a temporary patient, i.e. in Dundee for less than 3 months, please phone the practice and we will complete the required forms over the phone. Your temporary address must be within our practice boundary.

If you require an appointment please follow the appointment process above.